Let’s Celebrate


One year ago today, Reserved and Waiting was launched. It is amazing the works God will do in you, when you just obey. Is there something that God has been calling you to do? What are you waiting for? Here is the confirmation you have been looking for. Like you, I was being called by God to do something, to start this blog. I was hesitant, almost reluctant! I prayed over it, had others pray over it. I was getting confirmation after confirmation, just like Gideon with the fleece. Everything fell into place, even the name for this blog and the rest is history.

Five Things I Have Learned In The Past Year

A lot has happened in this past year. I gained a bit of knowledge about technical terms, codes, widgets, plug-ins and most of what goes into blogging. The lessons that I have been taught on this short journey so far has been:
I have always loved to read. That is a big deal. In the blogosphere, there is quite a bit of reading you need to do. If you don’t like to read then writing a blog is not for you.

  1. I like to write and share my passion for Christ. I will be the first to admit, I hated English class in school. The thought of writing a blog at first scared me. Who would read it, what would I write about, etc. were some of the questions I asked. These were all unwarranted, as I have written well over one hundred post.
  2. I have grown deeper in my relationship with God. As I write, I get into the Bible for various post thus allowing Him to speak to me more.
  3. I have had things from my past revealed, that I have had buried away for a very long time. The healing process on some struggles and incidents have become scars now. There are some that are in the process of being healed.
  4. I enjoy reaching out to people. God has done so many amazing things in my life, that I can use to help encourage others. He has also placed quite a few ladies in my life to help encourage me.

While this has been a great first year, I look forward to what God has in store for us in the coming months. Thanks for stopping by regularly and for your encouraging words this past year.
Today and tomorrow, I will be doing recaps from some of the highlights from this past year. Staring today, I would encourage you to revisit (or visit for the first time) the post that started this year off. Why Reserved and Waiting?
In His Love, Crisi

2 Responses

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  1. Jennifer @ Little Silly Goose
    Jennifer @ Little Silly Goose July 29, 2014 at 10:00 am | | Reply

    How funny that you just wrote a one year post too! I didn’t realize that you had started your blog so close to when I started mine. Congrats on that exciting milestone!

    P.S. Sorry, I’m a bit behind on my blog reading.

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