Relentlessly Shining
We all suffer losses at one time or another. The past several months, I have experienced some losses. Some of them came on by decisions I made, some not. If I had those to do all over again, I would do exactly what I did. I believed what I chose was right and I still […]

When Love Broke Thru – Relentless
The Lord has been working on me a lot lately, like months!!!! So, it’s not surprising one bit that certain messages songs, and passages have been repeating over and over again. It is time to say, to admit, I am not okay! You know what? It is okay to admit it! It is okay for you […]

Life Story Decisions
Every decision, Every Day is part of how you are writing your life story. These decisions do not just affect your story, they also affect the lives of those around you. Andy Stanley made a statement, “A private decision has Public ramifications.” Think about that for a while and then recall the decisions you have […]

Walking The Difficult Road
I had come yet to another crossroad and God met me there with the word, Obedience! A few months ago, His words to me were, trust Him and He was opening new doors from the ones that are closing. Now, I believe is the test. Will I obey His word in full obedience as […]

Third Year
When starting this blog three years ago, I had no idea who, if anyone would want to hear my view. Yet, The One who I write for is the same who has used my words to touch many. I don’t say that in a bragging way. No, I say it humbly for the words that […]

Holding Pattern
You keep pushing, you keep planning, you continuously keep praying. Yet, you feel as though your life is in a holding pattern. But is it really? I got reminded about a post from two years ago and then another article appeared that spoke on the same theme. Usually when this happens, God is speaking to […]

Gifts are Not Just Pretty Packages and Bows
Here I am growing up just a bit more! What an amazing chapter from a Bible study, I am working on! I thought I knew how to receive gifts graciously enough until now. The thing is, I did not! Yes, I was taught to say “thank you” when receiving a gift and on special occasions […]

Blind Like Justices
The day had arrived and there was no thrill in the journey ahead. It was an interruption of what needed to be done, as the work piled up. It was an interruption of the schedule always kept. It was an interruption that led outside of the comfort zone. Not heeding the journey had consequences […]

Bold and Open
The pain was unbearable, the heartbreak had numbed the senses, her thoughts were on how to just survive. A faceless form lost in the crowd. Only to be seen by few. Longing to know that she mattered. Not just to her Lord but by those whom she loved. Those that she loved as family, as […]
Revisiting The Road That Leads To The Cross, Resurrection Sunday
Resurrection Sunday He Has Risen!!!! In this passage we witness, Mary finding the empty tomb, going to Peter and John declaring what she believes. John and Peter running to the tomb to find it absent of Jesus body and only His grave-clothes left behind. John saw and believed but they still did not understand. Until […]
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